Tuesday, October 20, 2009

59-0???/ Limbaugh facts

The titans got beat historically on sunday. 59-0 is the worst beating of any team in nfl history since 1976. Bud Adams was in houston swimming in his money vault like Scrooge McDuck so he didnt care. Kerry Collins had negative seven passing yards on Sunday but Fisher is still going to start him. Im looking for any excuse to not go to the rest of the home games until Vince Young starts or Jeff Fisher gets fired. This guy has won 2 playoff games since losing the superbowl and no playoff games won since 2003.

This team is on a rocket path to becoming the LA Titans in a few years because when the fans stop selling out games and the NFL forces blackouts Bud Adams or if he is dead his family will sell off the team to an owner who will keep them in nashville or the team will move to LA or whatever city wants a team. Houston lost the Oilers/Titans and the NFL gave them another team so the only hope here would be the NFL gives nashville another team. The worst thing about Tuesday is instead of showing Shark Tank on ABC locally they show Jeff Fisher Live. The last thing I want to watch after a Titans loss is Jeff Fisher acting cocky like he can do no wrong. Right now I see the offensive and defensive coordinators are on here so maybe Jeff ducked out like he did sunday after the game when he dodged the radio interview. They are on here laughing and joking around I want to throw the tv out the window."The game kept snowballing", really you are joking around after a big loss like this. You dont care,the other coaches dont care,the owner doesnt care and the players know it so they dont care anymore. Fisher showed up and danced around the softball questions.

The Florida Powerball was won by a rich doctor. They showed his 3 million dollar mansion in a gated community. He has been married for 3 years so he wont be smiling if the trophy wife leaves with half his money and the first wife goes to court to get more alimony. He didnt need the 232 million dollars but he bought a ticket like the rest of us so congratulations to him. Of course the other millions of people who pray for a lottery win because they are unemployed or barely making it check to check in this economy may have deserved it much more and also they may now become atheists over this but hey he bought his ticket and the island he buys to store his wifes shoes is his business you know. Some lottery players were upset with a child molestor in michigan who won the lottery and his victim was encouraged to take him to court to get some of the money but legally he was a free man and had paid his debt to society. So all lottery stories are going to be heartwarming Disney tales folks.

Oreilly and Limbaugh said they couldnt find any racist comments or racially insensitive comments so Media Matters was nice enough to find 28 for them and I put them below:

"Media Matters has documented at least 28 examples of Limbaugh making racially charged remarks
Limbaugh has an extensive history of making racially charged remarks about minorities. Media Matters has documented numerous examples of Limbaugh's racially charged and insensitive remarks about minorities, including his comment that "in Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering" [The Rush Limbaugh Show, 9/15/09] and that "Obama's entire economic program is reparations" [The Rush Limbaugh Show, 6/22/09]. Examples include:

•"We are being told that we have to hope [Obama] succeeds, that we have to bend over, grab the ankles ... because his father was black."
•"I do believe" Obama is an "angry black guy."
•"[I]n Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering."
•"Obama's entire economic program is reparations."
•Obama is "more African in his roots than he is American" and is "behaving like an African colonial despot."
•Obama is "Halfrican-American."
•"Obama has disowned his white half ... he's decided he's got to go all in on the black side."
•Sotomayor "a reverse racist" appointed by Obama, "the greatest living example of a reverse racist."
•Obama "wants us to have the same health care and plan that he had in Kenya" and "wants to be the black FDR."
•Latching onto LA Times op-ed, Limbaugh sings "Barack, The Magic Negro."
•"God does not have a birth certificate. Neither does Obama"; Obama "has yet to prove he's a citizen."
•Limbaugh on Gates controversy: "Here you have a black president trying to destroy a white policeman."
•Limbaugh suggests Obama would not have acted on Somali pirates if he'd known they were "actually young, black Muslim teenagers."
•Limbaugh suggests Democrats, media believe "you can't criticize the little black man-child."
•"The government's been taking care of [young blacks] their whole lives."
•"The days of [minorities] not having any power are over, and they are angry."
•"[M]inorities never do anything for which they have to apologize."
•Limbaugh: "The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well."
•Limbaugh says "NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips."
•Limbaugh declares basketball "the favorite sport of gangs."
•Limbaugh invented "racial component" to Hackett's decision to withdraw from Ohio primary race.
•Limbaugh on Survivor series: "African-American tribe" worst swimmers, Hispanics "will do things other people won't do."
•Limbaugh suggested Colin Powell only supported Obama because of race.
•Limbaugh: Gates is an "angry racist."
•Limbaugh called illegal immigrants an "invasive species."
•Limbaugh repeatedly calls Native Americans "Injuns."
•Limbaugh says Democrats' interest in Darfur is securing black "voting bloc."
•Limbaugh says that if "feminazis" had remembered to oppose "affirmative action for black guys ... they wouldn't face the situation they face today."


  1. It seems to me that all the negative vibes this blowhard (Rush Hudson Limbaugh A.KA. Jeff Christie) has been spewing over these many years has come back to blow back on his face (A classic “Blow Back”). He always tries to give off the airs that he can have anything he wants but as we all witness those with more money and more influence tossed him aside like sack of potatoes and the ultimate insult was that it was done in public (money don’t buy you everything butterball).

    Now of course he blames everyone else (Michael J. Fox, Perez Hilton, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Sonia Sotomayor, Hillary Clinton, Olympia Snowe, ESPN, NFL, the media, basically people of color, the handicapped, women and gays) when of course all you have to do is listen to his show and plainly hear his daily prejudices filled sermons. So NFL, I salute you decision, job well done. And to the whaling cry baby perched on his self made pedestal, quit your whining it was your own fault. You are reaping what he has sowed, KARMA, “Palin and simple” like his followers. Don’t we all feel better?


  2. I dont mind the debates over the airwaves as long as they stay civil. The lunatic extremists are bad for any political party or religion.
